Medications for musculoskeletal system (M)
Not available
4000 KZT
oil to relieve pain in the jointsBarakaJointEaseprovides instant relief from joint and muscle pain associated with arthritis. The oil is made from a combination of special herbs with the full perfection of black cumin.
Instructions for use:
Take a small amount of oil and gently massage the...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
3000 KZT
ORTHOVIT is a natural herbal remedy without any chemicals or preservatives.100% natural product.
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
Not available | Wholesale and retail
2000 KZT
Reduces inflammation, soothes pain, eliminates stiffness and inflammation of the joints.
chronic arthritis, sciatica, headaches against the background of arthritis
• osteoarthritis
• rheumatoid arthritis
• rheumatism
• gout (disease caused by metabolic disorders, mainly affecting the...
Group: Antipyretic and antirheumatic means M01
Not available
2500 KZT
Singhnad guggulu является идеальным сочетанием натуральных трав, которые очень полезны при лечении заболеваний суставов, таких как - ревматоидный артрит, подагра, воспаление и отеки, боли в спине, шеи и т. д. Его изготавливают из натуральных трав на основе Аюрведы для оказания помощи при всех...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
3900 KZT
A multicomponent multicomponent preparation based on a mummy with the addition of trifal and dashamula. It balances all three doshas, and most kafa doshu.
Greatly eliminates toxins and rejuvenates.
Cleans the lymphatic system. Promotes the proper formation of all body tissues.
Normalizes weight,...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
Not available | Wholesale and retail
2600 KZT
Group: Antipyretic and antirheumatic means M01
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2800 KZT
Group: Antipyretic and antirheumatic means M01
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2600 KZT
Group: Antipyretic and antirheumatic means M01
In stock | Wholesale and retail
650 KZT
The main effect of the drug is due to its ability to activate centers of self - regulation and detoxification of the joints, spine and kidneys. As a consequence, endotoxins and cellular "slags" are gradually being eliminated from the body, inflammation and edema of the joints are disappearing,...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
650 KZT
The main effect of the drug is due to its ability to activate centers of self - regulation and detoxification of the joints, spine and kidneys. As a consequence, endotoxins and cellular "slags" are gradually being eliminated from the body, inflammation and edema of the joints are disappearing,...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
3700 KZT
Reosto is a phytocomplex with calcium and minerals for strengthening bone tissue, used for fractures and osteoporosis. Action: Inhibits bone resorption and affects bone formation, increases bone mass. Reduces bone pain in osteoporosis and fractures Dosage and route of administration: Take 1 to 6...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
Not available
2800 KZT
The preparation is based on a resin obtained from the prickly Guggula bush. Has a wide range of different medicinal effects. This raw material is used to make a large number of medicines in Ayurveda.
Medicinal properties:
- expectorant
- astringent
- analgesic
- sedative
- stimulating substances...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
2800 KZT
Shigru (hp)-ayurvyedichyeskoye sryedstvoPrix bolyeznyakh sustavov from bolyami e otyekami. Активные компоненты этого растения обладают выраженным антибактериальным эффектом, уничтожают вирусы, при этом богаты мультивитаминами, минералами и хлорофиллом, который является важным строительным...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
Not available
3500 KZT
Composition:Extract from the resin of the Boswellia tropical tree (Boswellia serrata).
Shalaki is a herbal preparation known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and high effectiveness in arthritis and atherosclerosis.
Indications: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical...
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02
In stock
2800 KZT
Shallacks (Shellacs)is an extract of the resin of the Boswellia tree that grows in the mountains of India. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, in Ayurveda is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis. Shallaks - a natural herbal preparation, does not cause side effects.
Group: Means, used locally for joint and muscular pain M02