Medications for the genitourinary system and sex hormones (G)
In stock
2500 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2500 KZT
Group: Hormones of sexual glands and the preparations, used with the pathology of the sexual sphere G03
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4800 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock | Wholesale and retail
6000 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4200 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock
4600 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock
4200 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4000 KZT
Aloes Compound (ALOES COMPOUND) tablets complete information on the drug. Indications for use, use, side effects, contraindications, pregnancy, overdose Aloez Compound
Aloes Compound is effective in female infertility, irregular and meager menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and delayed...
Group: Drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases
Not available | Wholesale and retail
2000 KZT
Group: Drugs for treatment of prostate adenoma
Not available | Wholesale and retail
3700 KZT
Group: Drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2800 KZT
Ashwagandhais the oldest soothing, firming and rejuvenating formula. Its name comes from the two Sanskrit words "Ashva" - horse and "Gandha" - grass, because it gives "horse" life and sexual energy. Therefore it is often used for male infertility and impotence. Ashwagandha contains phytosterols,...
Group: Hormones of sexual glands and the preparations, used with the pathology of the sexual sphere G03
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4000 KZT
Group: Drugs for the treatment of urological diseases
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4000 KZT
Group: Preparations for potency increasing
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4000 KZT
Group: Drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases
In stock
2800 KZT
Chandraprabha Bati (or Chandraprabha Vati) is a classical Ayurvedic formula. Chandra - is translated from Sanskrit as the moon. Bati - tablets. The moon is responsible for the movement of liquids on our planet, regulates tides. Like the heavenly light, Chandraprabha Bati regulates the circulation...
Group: Drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases