Miscellaneous medication (V)
Custom order | Wholesale and retail
75000 KZT
Group: Pharmaceutical Medicines
Custom order
70000 KZT
sofosbuvir and Daklatasvir, Sofosbuvir Daclatasvir Sovihep Dacihep
complex preparation for the treatment of hepatitis C.
combination of these two drugs cure the first to fourth hepatitis C virus genotype
course of treatment 3 months.
If previously treated with interferons, then 6 months.
Take as...
Group: Pharmaceutical Medicines
In stock | Wholesale and retail
6500 KZT
- 6200 KZT/pcs - from 2 pcs
Group: Generic drugs
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4800 KZT
Gatesor Mandukaparny - yskonno yndyyskoe and plants, turn, self vazhnoe omolazhyvayuschee funds in ayurvedycheskoy Medicine, Basic funds for stymulyrovanyya and ukreplenyya nervnыh and mozhovыh cells. The gates raise intelligence, improve memory, increase longevity, slows aging and gives...
Group: Drugs for improving of cerebral circulation
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2800 KZT
The best brain tonic with no side effects.
increases the efficiency of thought processes and memory.
name comes from Demigod Brahma - the creator of the material universe. The embodiment of the Divine Mind.
Brahma - BRAHMI
Composition: Bacopa monnieri, Convoloulus phuricaulis, Piper...
Group: Drugs for improving of cerebral circulation
In stock | Wholesale and retail
4000 KZT
Group: Drugs for improving of cerebral circulation
In stock | Wholesale and retail
2200 KZT
- 0.01 KZT/pcs - from 2 pcs
Group: Preparations for cleaning the body